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Best Grain-Free Vegan Pizza with Caramelized Onions + Mushrooms

This is the only grain-free vegan pizza you will ever need! Made with an almond flour base, and topped with chopped kale, caramelized onions, and mushrooms!

I've been realllly into pizza lately!

I'm not sure what it is, but I pretty much crave homemade pizza every single night. Matt isn't with me on that one, so I usually only get my way once a week (max), but when I do, I go all out.

We're talking toppings on toppings on toppings! And this grain-free vegan pizza is my newest addiction!

grain-free pizza dough mix from Simple Mills

The secret to making the perfect grain-free pizza crust? Simple Mills grain-free pizza dough mix!

I'm so excited to be partnering with Simple Mills on today's post because this is a brand that I discovered a few years ago and have been using all the time. From their amazing pizza crust, which we'll talk more about in a second, to their almond flour crackers, their bread and their baking mixes, you honestly can't go wrong.

Everything is grain-free and paleo friendly, uses really great ingredients (like ones you would actually find in my own pantry) and is super simple to make.

grain-free pizza dough mix from Simple Mills

This crust for example? Only has 8 ingredients in the mix, with 3 simple add-ins. This one is naturally vegan as well which I love! And it honestly makes the fluffiest, most flavorful pizza crust that can stand up to all sorts of toppings!

But best of all? It bakes in about 15 minutes – no rising, no waiting – so you can have a healthy pizza dinner on your table in under 30 minutes.

It doesn't get better (or easier) than that, my friends!

how to make homemade pizza sauce

Remember in the beginning when I mentioned toppings? Yea, we need to talk about these toppings because…YUM!

So on our base, we have a homemade pizza sauce. I really like making my own pizza sauce over using jarred because I find having a thicker, less watery sauce avoids all sogginess.

Sometimes gf/vegan pizza crusts can get a little soggy in the middle (although I haven't had that issue with Simple Mills), so I like having my own pizza sauce on hand. This sauce whips up fast and is really easy, so it's something I make in large batches and freeze so that when my pizza craving strikes (and the boyfriend gives me a thumbs up), we are ready to go.

how to make caramelized onions

how to make grain-free vegan pizza crust

Next, we did a layer of kale. I love sneaking greens onto my pizza, but I don't like biting into wilted strings of spinach or arugula.

My solution? By finely chopping the kale it cooks up and gets soft, but it doesn't get stuck in your teeth and isn't all wilted. It adds the right amount of green without it being overpowering. Definitely my new go-to for greens on pizza.

On top of the kale we did some quick caramelized onions and topped everything off with sliced mushrooms.

grain-free vegan pizza crust recipe

I sometimes use a vegan cheese on top of my pizzas, but today I thought I'd leave it off in favor of a quick basil cream sauce.

This cream sauce is made from a base of cashews and nutritional yeast, so it has a somewhat cheesy flavor and is the perfect addition for those of us who can't decide between a red pizza and a pesto pizza. (<– ahem, me!)

It also rounds out the flavor of the whole pizza and gives it a nice, creamy finish.

how to make grain-free vegan pizza crust

And I just have to tell you…

This was one of the best vegan pizzas I have ever eaten or made. It had so much flavor from the grain-free crust, the pizza sauce was slightly sweet, the kale made it pop with color, caramelized onions were also bright and sweet and the sliced mushrooms added a kind of earthy, almost meat-like texture.

It's pizza perfection my friends and I can't wait to see you try it!

grain-free vegan pizza crust

grain-free vegan pizza crust

Watch us make this Grain-Free Vegan Pizza recipe!


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Grain-Free Vegan Pizza

Best Grain-Free Pizza Crust

4.8 from 4 votes
This is the only grain-free vegan pizza you will ever need! Made with Simple Mills pizza crust, topped with chopped kale, caramelized onions and mushrooms!
author: Alyssa
yield: 8 slices
grain-free vegan pizza crust recipe
Prep: 10 minutes
Cook: 20 minutes
Total: 30 minutes


for the crust

for the sauce

for the toppings

  • 1 red onion thinly sliced
  • 2 tablespoons olive oil
  • 1 cup finely chopped kale
  • 1 cup sliced mushrooms

for the (optional) cream sauce


  • Make the crust: preheat the oven to 350ºF. Line a baking sheet with parchment paper and set aside. Add the contents of the mix into a large bowl, followed with the oil, vinegar and water. Stir until a thick dough batter forms. Transfer the batter onto the baking sheet and spread it out evenly with wet hands. I like to spread mine to about 1/4" as the crust does puff up as it bakes. Place in the oven and bake for 10 minutes.
  • Make the sauce: add all the sauce ingredients into a pot and stir to combine. Bring to a low boil and cook for 10 - 15 minutes until the sauce has thickened. Store in a glass jar in the fridge or freezer.
  • Make the onions: heat the oil in a skillet over medium high heat. Add the onions and cook until soft and caramelized, about 5 - 10 minutes.
  • Assemble the pizza: after 10 minutes, remove the crust from the oven. Spread 1/2 cup sauce in a thin layer across the crust. Top with kale, caramelized onions and mushrooms. Bake for another 10 minutes until the mushrooms are cooked.
  • Make the cream sauce: while the pizza is finishing, add all the sauce ingredients into a high powered blender. Start with 1/2 cup of water and add more as needed. Blend on high until smooth and creamy. Taste and adjust seasonings if desired.
  • Eat the pizza! Slice it up when it's done cooking, drizzle on the cream sauce and give it an extra sprinkling of nutritional yeast and pepper flakes!


Calories: 321kcal | Carbohydrates: 19g | Protein: 11g | Fat: 25g | Saturated Fat: 2g | Sodium: 458mg | Potassium: 496mg | Fiber: 6g | Sugar: 6g | Vitamin A: 1255IU | Vitamin C: 21.2mg | Calcium: 127mg | Iron: 3.6mg
cuisine: American
course: Entree

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This recipe is brought to you in partnership with Simple Mills. As always, all opinions are my own. I only share companies I love and trust, so thank you for continuing to support Simply Quinoa!



grain-free vegan pizza with caramelized onions and mushrooms