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Quinoa Almond Flour Bread

An almond flour bread that's high in protein, naturally gluten-free and dairy-free! It uses a hearty blend of almond flour, quinoa flour and flax.

We're baking bread today, my friends! And it's quite the feat for me because homemade bread hasn't happened in over a year at my house.

I used to bake bread all the time, but honestly I think this past year laziness just got the better of me. I didn't feel like pulling out my stand mixer, proofing my yeast, waiting for the bread to rise and then waiting another hour while it bakes. So I just skipped it.

Super easy GLUTEN-FREE BREAD! Made with quinoa and almond flour, no yeast and no dairy!

Since it's been so long since I made bread, I was feeling the need to change things up. I love my high-protein quinoa bread, but when the mood for bread struck I was still in major lazy mode. So the goal with this new recipe was to give you something that was easy and still really healthy.

So that's what we’ve got. A bread that bakes in just 30 minutes, doesn't require any yeast or rising, and is made in your food processor. There's no gluten or dairy AND it uses two super high-protein flours. I'm thinking you're going to be really excited when you see the recipe 😉

Blanched almond flour vs. almond meal: can you substitute them 1:1? Check out the answers here >>

The base of this recipe is a blend of toasted quinoa flour and blanched almond flour. The bulk of the dry ingredients is actually the blanched almond flour which I think makes the bread have this wonderful nutty flavor and gorgeous texture. I love using it in my baking – you've probably seen it in a lot of my recipes – and this almond flour bread is no exception.

Almond flour can be a tricky ingredient to work with, so I always recommend that you find a high quality blanched almond flour. Blanched means that the skins have been removed from the almonds before they are ground into a flour. This means the flour is a lot lighter in color and won't cause your recipes to be really dark brown.

The other thing you want to keep an eye out for is how coarse the flour is. I always use finely ground almond flour which is not the same as almond meal. And it's not really something you can make at home either. When you make almond flour at home (like in your food processor) you're going to get the texture of almond meal.

In today's recipe I'm using the blanched almond flour from Mandelin which is a company I just discovered and absolutely love. They're based in California and source all their almonds from there too. Their flours are very high quality, have a delicious flavor and bake up wonderfully. They were kind enough to send me a goodie box of their almond products and I've already gone through all my almond flour. You can check out their website to order some of their flour if you're interested in trying it!

Quinoa Almond Flour Bread made with blanched almond flour, flaxseed meal and other gluten-free goodies

After the almond and quinoa flour, we add just a touch of arrowroot powder for some lightness and binding, some flaxseed meal for more nutrition, and some coconut flour, which again helps bring the bread together and create a really nice crumb.

The rise we get from baking soda which is activated by apple cider vinegar. I was actually surprised how well it rose – it's making me want to try more yeast-free bread options!

The wet ingredients are mainly eggs, with the addition of a touch of maple syrup and olive oil. All in all, there are only 11 ingredients and it's made in one bowl (or food processor). Couldn't be easier!

This gluten-free almond flour bread is AMAZING! It uses quinoa, almonds and other healthy goodies and makes the best toast!

Now as with a lot of bread baking, there are likely going to be some questions about substitutions and changes. So I'd thought I'd run through those right here:

  1. Almond flour vs. almond meal: like I mentioned above, these two flours are not the same and I don't recommend substituting them 1:1. If you do want to use almond meal, you're going to have to adjust your other ingredients to compromise for the change in texture.
  2. Nut-free: I'm sure some of you are wondering what you can substitute for the almonds all together. Unfortunately, this recipe was developed specifically for almond flour and I don't think their will be a suitable alternative. If you want to try a nut-free bread, check out my high-protein quinoa bread!
  3. Egg-free: this recipe calls for 5 eggs and relies heavily on them for not only moisture, but also texture and rise. I have not tested this without eggs and honestly can't say if it will work. You could try using an egg substitute, but I don't think you will get the same rise. You might also have to increase your baking time.
  4. No food processor: I made this in the food processor, but you can absolutely make it in a bowl or your stand mixer. If you're making it in a bowl, I recommend that you use an electric mixer to really get the ingredients incorporated. You might also want to beat the eggs in a separate bowl before adding them to the dry ingredients.

QUINOA ALMOND FLOUR BREAD makes the best breakfast toasts -- top: peanut butter + banana, bottom: sliced avocado and pepper flakes

And now that we've gotten those questions answered, it's time to have some bread, don't you think?

My favorite way to enjoy this almond flour bread is toasted. Since I can never decide between sweet and savory, I usually do one slice with almond butter and banana (and in this case chia seeds) and one with avocado. It makes for such a delicious breakfast or lunch and packs a powerful punch in the nutrition department. All those healthy fats and fiber are going to keep you fueled and energized!

Your turn…

What are you favorite toast toppings? There are so many ways to enjoy breakfast toast and I’d love to hear what you usually make. I’m always looking to change up my morning meals 🙂

xo Alyssa

Healthy almond flour bread is the BEST base for avocado toast

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Quinoa Almond Flour Bread

4.5 from 2 votes
A bread that bakes in just 30 minutes, doesn't require any yeast or rising, and is made in your food processor. There's no gluten or dairy AND it uses two super high-protein flours. 
author: Alyssa
yield: 18 Servings
The EASIEST gluten-free bread -- this quinoa almond flour bread uses no yeast, bakes in 30 minutes and tastes amazing!
Prep: 5 minutes
Cook: 30 minutes
Total: 35 minutes



  • Preheat the oven to 350ºF. Line a loaf pan with parchment paper and set aside.
  • Add the dry ingredients to the bowl of a food processor and pulse to combine. Add eggs, oil, syrup and vinegar and process until smooth.
  • Transfer batter to prepared loaf tin and bake on the center rack for 25 - 35 minutes (mine took 30) until the top has turned golden brown and a cake tester inserted into the center comes out clean.
  • Cool in the pan for 1 hour then transfer to a wire rack and cool completely before slicing.



adapted from Elena's Pantry


Calories: 109kcal | Carbohydrates: 6g | Protein: 4g | Fat: 7g | Cholesterol: 45mg | Sodium: 82mg | Potassium: 37mg | Fiber: 2g | Sugar: 1g | Vitamin A: 65IU | Calcium: 35mg | Iron: 0.8mg
cuisine: American
course: bread

Filed Under:

The EASIEST gluten-free bread you'll ever make -- a quinoa almond flour bread uses no yeast, bakes in 30 minutes, is made in one bowl AND it tastes amazing!
Super HEALTHY breakfast toasts are so easy to make: 1) toast a slice of this almond flour bread, 2) top with nut butter + sliced banana, 3) top with sliced avocado and pepper flakes and 4) ENJOY!

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48 comments on “Quinoa Almond Flour Bread”

  1. Hi Alyssa! First of all thank you for sharing such a mind-blowing content!
    I just tried this recipe yesterday and it truned out delicious. Didn’t rise as much as yours though.
    Is it because I skipped the flaxseed meal (didn’t manage to find them at the grocery store) and added gluten-free baking powder instead of baking soda?
    As in France we use grams rather than cups, can you give the equivalent in grams? (it seems like 1 cup = 120g so I used 180g of almond flour and 60g of quinoa flour, is that correct? )
    Thanks in advance!
    Have a nice week-end,

    1. It could also be elevation, your eggs or the amounts you used 🙂 I think I’ve been able to update my recipe plugin so that now you can switch to grams!

    1. It’s not, unless you find quinoa to have a very bitter taste. I’m used to it at this point so don’t toast, but it definitely has a nicer flavor when you do!

  2. Made this yesterday and loved it! I put sunflower oil in mine with sunflower seeds. I was wondering, could you fluff some of the egg whites to make the loaf expand more?

    1. So glad you enjoyed it! I think beating the egg whites would definitely help make it airier! Would love for you to leave a star rating when you get a chance also 😉 xo

  3. I made the Quinoa Almond Flour Bread. It turned out very good. My favorite gluten free bread so far.
    Have you ever made this or a similar recipe using yeast verses baking soda? I like the texture and taste using yeast, but am not sure how to change the recipe.

    1. YAYY! I haven’t done a yeasted bread with almond flour, but I have this recipe you might like to try: https://www.simplyquinoa.com/high-protein-quinoa-bread-recipe/

      Also, I’d love for you to share a star rating if you have a moment! xo

  4. Hi. One question, what did you sprinkle over the avocados..? Looks yummy.. will try this bread tommorow for breakfast..

  5. Soooo, I’m guessing the nutrition facts are based on an entire loaf? I’m a diabetic newbie and am looking for low carb ideas an possibly will try keto ideas, too, and will definitely try making this bread!


  6. How thick or runny is the batter supposed to be? I am trying to make an egg free one using aquafaba. In my first attempt the batter was very thick and resulted in a dense loaf. Tastes good though ????

  7. Bread looks lovely! Unfortunately I don’t use eggs as I am vegan, have you ever tried it with alternatives? Thank you! x

    1. this one I don’t think can be made vegan, unfortunately. Too many eggs to replace that I’m afraid we wouldn’t get the same texture – sorry!

      1. It was a huge success! My husband has many diet restrictions and he is not only able to have this bread, but he loved it! He literally sat down with the whole loaf cut up in front of him and ate ALL of it.

  8. Oh, can you tell me what the apple cider vinegar does for the bread? My Dad was obsessed with it, even had a good size soft-covered book from the company that makes the product, but he is no longer around for me to ask. Thanks.

    1. For this one it helps to turn the non-dairy milk into a “buttermilk” consistency 🙂 Also adds a bit of tang to the flavor!

  9. Hi Alyssa,
    I use chia seeds instead of flax seed most of the time, I have checked on flax and so many chefs don’t think its a problem. As soon as I try your recipe I will let you know how it turns out.
    For health reason, I will use butter, no oil because it all oxidizes, this is why in Turkey they never ever heat up oils. I will use Agave nectar, and for the arrowroot and coconut flour, I will substitute millet or amaranth flour because both can act as a thickener and I must do all these substitutes for health reasons, I have had to go gluten-free. Thank you for all you do to help people, take care…I gonna use new bag of golden flax seeds.

    1. Definitely let me know how it turns out! I have to advise that I don’t think you can substitute the coconut flour, but it’s worth a shot. Coconut flour is much more absorbent than any other flour and doesn’t have a 1:1 substitution. Keep me posted on how it goes for you!

    1. Nope! You toast it at home 🙂 Here’s a tutorial: https://www.simplyquinoa.com/how-to-toast-quinoa-flour/

  10. Pingback: 25 Best Gluten Free Quinoa Flour Recipes - My Natural Family

  11. Avatar photo
    Cami Monet Miller

    Yummm, I love baking with almond flour (and finding excuses to use my stand mixer lol). Can’t wait to try this tonight as an alternative to my usual Ezekial bread!

    1. That one is a little trickier since the coconut flour absorbs so much liquid and helps bind everything together. You could try doing another tablespoon or two of arrowroot (or flax) to compensate. I would suggest going by how the batter looks which should be thick but still pourable (like other GF batters). Let me know what you end up trying! I’d love to share a coconut substitute for everyone else.

  12. Hi Alyssa – love the sound of this recipe however as well as gluten, dairy and soy I am also intolerant to almonds. What other nut flour would this recipe work with? Thanks!

    1. You could use hazelnut flour or even cashew flour if you can find it finely ground. I’m not sure what other nut flours you have access too, but things like flax, coconut, chia, etc., won’t work. It would have to be a nut that’s similar to almond. Let me know if you can find something and how the bread turns out!

      1. Thanks for replying Alyssa, will try it out with either cashew or hazelnut flour and let you know how I get on 🙂

  13. as a vegan who doesn’t eat grains, i was excited about the possibility of this recipe until i realized that it calls for eggs. i’m not sure what the point is of being gluten-free and still use eggs and/or dairy products.

    1. Hi Steve – as I’m sure you know if you’re a reader of the site, I’m not a vegan but do follow a primarily plant-based diet. I use eggs from time to time but don’t use dairy. It’s my personal belief that having eggs occasionally is not going to ruin someone’s health, especially when you make sure to buy organic, local eggs. Thanks for the comment though! Everyone’s opinions are always welcome here 🙂

      – Alyssa

      1. alyssa, thanks for your response. i agree, that doing, minimal participation in any particular direction isn’t going to create a train wreck. by the way, if you time/interest and want to read an interesting article on egg consumption (degrees of), check out my friend cyrus’ site, mangoman nutrition and fitness. one of his recent blogs discusses the pros and cons. i met him at u.c. berkeley when he was studying for doctorate in nutritional science and is one of the top nutrition, health, fitness consultants in the s.f. bay area. keep us the great work. i did try the recent quinoa cookie recipe (i used on the quinoa flakes, but, no other flour), and they came out terrific. oh, almost forgot — your photographs are wonderful. what do you use to take your shots? — bright moments, steve

        1. Thanks for sharing, Steve. I’ll definitely check out his site – sounds like an interesting article. For my photos, I have a Canon T3i and shoot everything in my apartment with natural light. My set up is totally minimal and bare bones — just foam board with this one. Thanks for the complement though 🙂

  14. I’m Always surprised when people use flaxmeal and heat it.. Then you destroy the omega-3 fats and they turn into very unhealthy stuff! It’s a very good recipe, I think, apart from that.

    1. Hi Petra – that’s for the comment! I actually have read a few articles that have tested this and found that baking with flaxseed meal actually doesn’t indicate a significant breakdown or loss of the beneficial fats. As always though, I’m sure there are multiple studies out there that prove different things!