
Coach Education is a key component of Football Australia’s Football Development Plan.

Coaches at all levels play a crucial role in ensuring that football is an enjoyable experience for everyone, as well as laying the foundation for the development of better players.

Footballers can be divided into two streams: those that are playing for fun, and those that are playing to reach the highest level possible. These are often referred to as ‘participation’ and ‘performance’.

Got a burning question? Send your coaching related question to

How Do I Register For A Coaching Course?

Coaching course registration process. Find a course that suits you and begin registration. Click here


Once you register as a coach with a Club or Association, you will be covered by that organisations' Insurance Policy. You will need to confirm the extent of the insurance coverage and exactly what benefits flow from the policy

Check your Coaching Level & Update Personal Details 

You will need to visit the MyFootballClub website to view your current accreditation status and all personal information. Please make sure all personal information is up to date once you log in