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Vanilla Almond Overnight Quinoa

A quick, easy and nutrient-rich breakfast, this overnight quinoa is flavored with almond and vanilla extract and sweetened with maple syrup.

My quinoa breakfast obsession continues.

I swear, if I could just spend all day creating and eating breakfast foods, I'd be the happiest person on earth. In fact, just last night for dinner I had a big bowl of fruit, topped with granola and almond milk. It was perfect.

And what I love about all of you amazing internet friends of mine, you love breakfast just as much as I do! So today I'm sharing a recipe that I first created years ago, and have since upgraded with both photos and recipe. As they say, this overnight quinoa is an oldie but a goodie ?

Ingredients in Overnight Quinoa

Ingredients for this Overnight Quinoa

As we've been doing lately with most of our posts, I want to share the different ingredients we're using and why. I personally love knowing why people use certain ingredients and find it really helpful if I'm looking for substitution ideas. So…here's what you need to make this recipe:

  • Cooked quinoa: the base of our breakfast is cooked quinoa. I like to do white quinoa because it's nice and fluffy! But you could also use millet, buckwheat or another grain if you wanted.
  • Rolled oats: I like the blend of oats and quinoa, but you could also do quinoa flakes or just more quinoa if you don't want to use oats.
  • Chia seeds: the “thickening” agent, but also ads a ton of protein, fiber, and good fats.
  • Maple syrup: always my sweetener of choice, but you could swap with something else like honey, agave, coconut sugar, etc.
  • Chopped almonds: one way to sneak in more protein and healthy fats, but also good because they add a nice crunch!
  • Almond milk: the liquid that I like to use, but use whatever milk you have on hand. It could be cashew, oat, rice, or even regular cow's milk if you eat that.

And to make it vanilla almond flavor, we're using some extracts! I like to buy this organic vanilla extract and this organic almond extract. They've got great flavor and aren't fake!

How to make Overnight Quinoa

Why You'll Love Eating Quinoa For Breakfast

What I love about recipes like this is that you can make them the night before. It takes about 5 minutes to make and is the perfect way to start your day.

That being said, you also don't have to leave it overnight. You can prep this when you wake up, get ready for your day and take it with you on your way out the door. It's one of those awesome recipes that can be meal prepped in less than 15 minutes.

All you need to do to make this overnight quinoa is mix all your ingredients together and let it sit. The oats, quinoa and chia seeds will start to absorb some of the liquid, helping it thicken up. Once it's thickened, you can eat top it with your favorite toppings and enjoy!

Easy Overnight Oats and Quinoa

Oats or Quinoa?! Let's Do Both!

If you're an overnight oats lover, then I really think you gotta give quinoa a try. Adding quinoa into your overnight oats is super simple and adds some really great benefits. It's…

  • higher protein
  • higher in fiber
  • more nutrient-rich
  • adds a really nice texture

And it's as simple as can be. The end result is a supercharged breakfast that takes about fifteen minutes to prepare. You just mix, chill and eat. How could you go wrong?!

Vanilla Almond Overnight Quinoa

More Overnight Quinoa Flavors To Try:

Vanilla Almond Overnight Quinoa

4.2 from 98 votes
A quick, easy and nutrient-rich breakfast, this overnight quinoa is flavored with almond and vanilla extract and sweetened with maple syrup.
author: Alyssa
yield: 2 servings
Vanilla Almond Overnight Quinoa Recipe
Prep: 5 minutes
10 minutes
Total: 15 minutes



  • Add all the ingredients (minus some almonds for garnishing) to a mixing bowl, starting with 1.5 cups of almond milk. Mix well and set aside for 10 minutes. Allow the mixture to thicken. If the mixture is too thick, add some more almond milk to thin it out. I ended up doing about 2 cups in total.
  • Transfer to your jars/bowls and garnish with desired toppings. I did blueberries and chopped almonds.


Serving: 1cup | Calories: 528kcal | Carbohydrates: 74g | Protein: 16g | Fat: 19g | Saturated Fat: 2g | Sodium: 259mg | Potassium: 519mg | Fiber: 17g | Sugar: 14g | Calcium: 461mg | Iron: 5mg
cuisine: American
course: Breakfast

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Vanilla Almond Overnight Quinoa
Vanilla Almond Overnight Quinoa
Vanilla Almond Overnight Quinoa
Vanilla Almond Overnight Quinoa

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94 comments on “Vanilla Almond Overnight Quinoa”

    1. You can omit the chia seeds. The mixture won’t thicken up, it will be more of a cereal consistency, but if you want it to be thicker you could add yogurt.

  1. How long does this last in the fridge? It says 2 portions can I make it all on Monday evening and have it for breakfast on Tuesday and Wednesday? Or should I halve the recipe and just make serving per day?


  3. Pingback: 15 Easy Breakfast Recipes You Can Make in 15 Minutes – magazineinfo0.com

  4. Pingback: What are the best protein sources for a low cholesterol diet? | apples-and-beans

  5. Do you serve this cold or can you heat it up in the morning? Just made a batch for tomorrow morning for the first time. Tried a bit before putting it in the fridge… OMG – Delicious !!

    1. I like to keep it cold, but you could try to heat it up! BTW…I have a family house in Kport and have been going there my ENTIRE life! We’ve had the house for over 100 years and that town holds a special place in my heart <3 coming up next weekend actually! xo

  6. Pingback: 15 Great On the Go Breakfast Recipes and Ideas – chuckiesblog

  7. Pingback: 15 Great On the Go Breakfast Recipes and Ideas - Style Motivation

  8. Pingback: 15 Quinoa Recipes - My Life and Kids

  9. Pingback: Easy Breezy Summer Breakfasts | Serendipity Catering

  10. I made a massive batch of this today. Thank you for this awesome recipe. I’m breatfeeding my one month old baby boy and struggling to keep up with production 😉 This meall is a wonderful combination of goodness and made the famile happy too. And I got to test drive my juicer’s ability to grid nuts. amazing!

    1. Woo hoo! So glad you’re enjoying it! I have some almond pulp in the fridge right now that really needs to be used up 😉

  11. Pingback: 30 Meal Prep Recipes for Healthy Eating – ISOLATOR FITNESS BLOG

  12. Queens Quinoa Grain – 250 grams

    Price :


    Many diseases are caused when our body is not in the correct balance.

    Nowadays, maintaining a balance with our busy lifestyles can be quite
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    What we need first and foremost is a balanced diet that is more
    alkaline than acidic. That way our organs will function properly, and
    our skeletal health will remain strong.

    Nature has provided us with a humble little seed, the quinoa, which
    is a powerhouse of nutrients. Queens Quinoa- Grain & Flour is the
    first naturally grown grain that can help us to maintain an excellent

    for more please visit : http://www.queensquinoa.com

  13. Pingback: 35 Meal Prep Ideas for Healthy Eating / Isolator Fitness

  14. Pingback: Vanilla Almond Overnight Quinoa - gluten-free, veg - Clean, Lean and Healthy

  15. I bought instant quinoa and live in South America, so I have no idea how to cook it since there aren’t any instructions. I am wondering if I even need to cook it first? What do you think?

  16. Pingback: Banana Bread Overnight Oatmeal

  17. Pingback: Vanilla Almond Overnight Quinoa - gluten-free, vegan and sugar-free! - Gluten Free Recipes and Food

  18. Pingback: Lunch Date Newsletter #29 - Caroline Kaufman, MS, RDN

  19. Pingback: Healthy Almond Recipes For National Almond Day

  20. Pingback: Five Things Friday 1.9.15 | Zest for Life Wellness

  21. So it’s it absolutely necessary to cook the quinoa first? I ask because I don’t cook the oats for over night oats & like to eat as much raw as possible…I just might have to try it. So I’m guessing since quinoa triples in size when cooked I’d only use 2-3 Tbsp of raw???

    1. Hi Tracy,

      Yes, you’d need to cook the quinoa before hand. Although you could use quinoa flakes instead and then you wouldn’t have to cook it 🙂 I usually make a big batch of quinoa at a time and just scoop out what I need. I’d suggest making more because it’s easier to cook that way and you can always freeze whatever you don’t use!

      Hope that helps 🙂 Enjoy!

      1. I do make grains in bulk sometimes…but I tried making it raw and it worked!! I also used almond flour because I do not YET make my own almond milk. However, I bet it is more filling when the quinoa is cooked. The flavor was awesome and I am going to try it with cooked quinoa this weekend! Thanks so much for the great recipe…now I know what to do with my pulp when I start making my own nut milks. 🙂

  22. Hey, can you tell me if this is possible to freeze? It’s a great recipe for me and my mum but sometimes we struggle with eating well coz of manic lifestyles, 🙂

  23. Pingback: Quinoa overnight | Super Mama Fit

  24. This is genius! I actually have some almond pulp in the fridge right now that I now know exactly what to do with. Thanks for the recipe 🙂 Love your staging too!!

  25. Almond pulp is what’s left over from making almond milk. You blend the almonds with water, squeeze out the liquid (using cheesecloth or a nut milk bag) and what’s left is the pulp. Look for a nut milk recipe for exact measurements.

    1. Thanks for the info Suzy. Had on idea what almond pulp was, I buy the almond milk, haven’t ever made it.Thanks again!

  26. I’ve been wanting to try quinoa for sometime now. Also, wanting make ahead breakfasts. So this is the perfect way to start. I do have a question about this recipe. What is almond pulp? I have raw almonds, can they be substituted for the almond pulp? Thanks for your great site.

  27. Pingback: This Week’s Vegan Menu Plan | Vegan Recipes from Cassie Howard

  28. Does the quinoa have to be cooked or can we do this overnight just like that overnight oatmeal recipe that has been making the rounds? I would love to save the extra time and extra step…

  29. Avatar photo
    Andrea Webster

    Hi there,
    Am currently eliminating almonds from my diet, so will try coconut milk. But what to use instead of the almond pulp?

  30. Ok, I could not wait……dove in and wow…it is so delicious!
    Love it. I liken it to an almond tapioca. Many thanks!

  31. Just made my almond milk so I have both milk and pulp and my quinoa is cooking now! Can’t wait to try it tomorrow!

  32. I don’t make my own almond milk. Do you have any suggestions on what I can substitute the almond pulp with?

    1. Hi Nancy, I think that you could try to use almond flour although it might not be quite the same texture. I do think it would still work and taste yummy though!

    1. Hi Amy, almond pulp is the result of making your own almond milk. If you don’t make your own almond pulp at home, I suggest swapping for almond flour. I think it will taste similar but the texture might be slightly off. Let me know what you think!

  33. Avatar photo
    Millie Brinkley

    Alyssa, I am so sorry about your little puppy. Please know that I am sending as much love and positive energy to you both, plus lots of prayers.

  34. This is happening – tonight!! I don’t love overnight oats, so I’m excited to try an overnight version of my favorite grain!

  35. Sorry to hear about your little girl. Thoughts and prayers go out to you both! I will try this recipe….looks delicious!

  36. First of all Alyssa, I’m so sorry to hear about your puppy. I’m sending lots & lots of prayers out to you and your puppy. I’m reading this on Monday so I hope things have gotten better. Love the vanilla almond overnight quinoa recipe.

    1. Almond flour is made when you make homemade almond milk. You blend the nuts with water the place them in a nut milk bag, strain the water and the leftover residue is almond pulp 🙂

    1. Almond pulp is the leftover ingredients you get when you make almond pulp at home. It’s almost creamy and is absolutely delicious!

    1. Also,best wishes for the puppies speedy recovery. Also, treat all puppies as you do toddlers, up and out of reach or out of sight, out of mind. One laps leads to expensive hospital stays, or worse.

    1. Almond pulp is something that you make at home. Basically it’s what is leftover from making homemade almond milk. It’s creamy, almondy and just delicious!

  37. Avatar photo
    Marilyn Barnes

    Sending prayers for you and your puppy. I know in our household at least, our pets are members of the family so I understand where you are coming from. So I pray your “baby”will be well.

  38. Extra prayers are going to be said for you and your
    Puppy. I hope the little one gets better. Take care.

  39. Hi: Just wanted to let you know I said a prayer for your sweet puppy. It must be a sad time for you.
    I probably won’t be making this recipe, as I tried making almond milk and didn’t care for it, so I don’t have any almond pulp. Can you suggest anything in it’s place?

    Thanks, Bette

  40. Avatar photo
    Rebecca @ Strength and Sunshine

    If I could just make breakfast recipes all day too, I would! Breakfast is the best! And this looks absolutely fabulous! 🙂

    1. Avatar photo
      Kristin Saarlas

      I also think this looks wonderful but I buy my almond milk so don’t have almond pulp on hand. Are there alternatives?